Virtual Dance Competition
Centre Stage Dance Challenge is excited to offer an online virtual dance competition to all dancers around the WORLD, during these difficult times. Many dancers have not been able to compete their routines they have worked and trained so hard for this year due to COVID-19. We at Centre Stage Dance Challenge would like to offer these dancers and studios a unique experience and give the dancers an opportunity to get critiqued from credible adjudicators while still giving them something to train for!
This being an entirely different event from our usual competitions, there will be specialized criteria added in regards to the rules/regulations only pertaining to this virtual competition. The competition rules will remain the same for pre-competitive and competitive levels, age groups, and disciplines - these details can be found under "Competition Rules", however, the awards will be different. As we are trying to keep the cost down for everyone as well as stop the transmission of COVID-19, there will be no trophies or medals awarded, only dancer placements announced in each category. If you would like to purchase trophies or medals (with appropriate ribbon to score), they will be available at the end of the competition. Please e-mail for enquiries once the competition is over. Plaques as well as any purchased trophies/medals will be mailed out to each studio once studio’s are able to resume classes and the likelihood of COVID-19 transmission has vastly decreased.
Rules Pertaining ONLY to Virtual Competition
Each video must be filmed in one take. No splicing or different camera angles. (You can take as many takes as you want before submitting your video)- If using a previous LIVE Competition Video; camera angles/splicing allowed.
Please dress in your costume, with hair and make-up done
Videos can be filmed at your studio, home, outside, or even used from a different competition that you performed at
You will receive three video critiques from three qualified adjudicators
The competition will be using live streaming, so you will be able to enjoy all the routines (as well as give LIVE encouraging feedback to all the dancers)
The awards and placements will be available for all dancers throughout the competition during "adjudication breaks"
Overall Awards will be announced the following day after the completion of the competition (time to be announced), along with the scores.
Placements will be awarded in each category and discipline for all routines
Cash Prizes will be presented to the top three scoring overall soloist routines in each competition level (pre-comp and comp) out of all discipline styles. Cash amount dependent on entries entered.
Due to social distancing guidelines - we will allow entries of duo and trio's as well as group routines to be submitted, but understand formations and partnering work will not be as per usual.
If there are over 50 entries of group routines, the top three routines (out of all disciplines) will receive overall awards in each competition level. (Receiving 1 trophy/placement & Cash award)
If there are over 50 entries of either duo or trio’s, the top three routines (out of all disciplines) will receive overall awards in each competition level. (Receiving Cash)
No studio Dance Camp Scholarships or choreography awards will be awarded
Platinum- 94-100
Diamond- 90-93.99
High Gold-86-89.99
Gold- 80-85.99
High Silver- 70-79.99
Overall Awards
Pre-competitive Division 10 and under
Top 5 scores (including all disciplines) will receive a plaque
Top 3 will receive Cash Award
Pre-competitive Division 11 and over
Top 5 scores (including all disciplines) will receive a plaque
Top 3 will receive Cash Award
Competitive Division 8 and under
Top 5 scores (including all disciplines) will receive a plaque
Top 3 will receive Cash Award
Competitive Division Ages 9-12
Top 5 scores (including all disciplines) will receive a plaque
Top 3 will receive Cash Award
Competitive Division 13 and over
Top 5 scores (including all disciplines) will receive a plaque
Top 3 will receive Cash Award
**Plaques will be awarded only to the top 5 soloists in each overall category.
**Cash prizes will be awarded to the top three placements for overall winners. Amount dependent on entries.
**The same dancer cannot win multiple highest soloist spots (highest scoring routine will be used for placement).
How To Register:
Email to hold your spot (starting immediately) - please include dancers name, routines & Dance Studio (No Fee's are Due at this time, this is only to save your dancers spot)
Register at (starting November 1st)
Upload Your videos on your dance comp genie account where it says "upload videos".
Pay Fee’s by cheque to Centre Stage Dance Challenge or e-transfer to (PayPal available for dancers outside of Canada)
Registration Opens November 1st, 2020
Fees - Early Bird Pricing
November & December
$39.00 plus GST (5%) per Solo
$17.00 plus GST (5%) per dancer for Duo/Trio entries
$9.00 plus GST (5%) per dancer for Group entries
Fees - Regular Pricing
$44.00 plus GST (5%) per solo
$19.00 plus GST (5%) per dancer for Duo/Trio entries
$12.00 plus GST (5%) per dancer for Group entries
Important Dates:
Registration Opens November 1st, 2020 (Early Bird Pricing)
Registration Opens January 1st, 2021 (Regular Pricing)
Payments Due Thursday January 22nd, 2021
Video Uploads Due Friday February 5th, 2021
Virtual Competition Saturday February 27th and Sunday February 28th, 2021
Please note that Centre Stage Dance Challenge has the right to extend or decrease the days depending on the amount of entries.